Relief Kits 2017

Emergency Aid relief for those in Aleppo. Collection from May 7th – June 18th.


This emergency aid relief drive was successfully closed on June 18th, 2017!

Short summary of the relief drive:

In 2017 the SMM Emergency Aid team organised another relief aid drive for those in need – this time for those living in Aleppo (Syria). Volunteers were called to participate by filling “relief buckets” – plastic buckets filled with hygiene kits, sew quilts and knit socks. The results were overwhelming.

In a short few weeks, the team collected 347 quilts, 162 knit and 56 purchased blankets, 230 sheets, 1141 knit pairs of socks, 502 knit hats, 59 knit sweaters and 1146 buckets. In the area of Muttenz another 8 boxes filled with drawing and notebooks, 10kg playdough, as well as countless toy cars, pencil crayons and dolls.

The relief aid drive would not have been so successful if it were not for the countless hands and hearts involved. For the SMM Emergency Aid team it has been extremely encouraging to be able to work with so many individuals in different communities and congregations and to realise, how much we can count on others for help contribute to making these events so successful.

See the flyer for full details (German, French).

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